September 2003 marked the 50th anniversary of Maud Martha, the only novel published by esteemed poet Gwendolyn Brooks. Initially entitled ""American Family Brown"" the work would eventually come to symbolize some of Brooks' most provocative writing. In a novel that captures the essence of Black life, Brooks recognizes the beauty and strength that lies within each of us.
Gwendolyn Brooks
a capsule course in Black Poetry Writing
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In this handbook, four authors write on the same topics but with varying emphases. Gwendolyn Brooks sketches the background of Afro-American poetry and offers practical hints and exercises for writing. Keorapatse Kgositsile discusses the role and situation of the black writer. Haki R. Madhubuti (Don L. Lee) explains an author's commitment and discusses the use of words, metaphors, symbols, and characters. Dudley Randall analyzes the syntactical and rhythmical structure of verse and gives suggestions on marketing. The book includes lists of books and articles for background and technique, answers to questions asked by beginning writers, and work sheets showing the growth of a poem.
Bobby E. Wright
Psychopathic Racial Personality and Other Essays
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Presents a thought-provoking examination of the group personality of Europeans, as manifest in their behavior towards Black people. In the essay ""The Psychopathic Racial Personality,"" Dr. Bobby Wright contends that viewing white behavior towards nonwhites as psychopathic provides a new lens through which to analyze and combat the actions and aims of Europeans. The essay ""Black Suicide: Lynching by Any Other Name"" positions the phenomenon of Black suicide within the context of centuries of white genocide. In other essays Dr. Wright discusses ways in which to best educate Black children and sheds new light on the evolution of white supremacy.
Sonia Sanchez
Home Coming
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Her first poetry collection, Homecoming (1969), contains considerable invective against “white America” and “white violence”
Gwendolyn Brooks
The Tiger Who Wore White Gloves
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All the tiger's fierce qualities do not satisfy him; he wants to be stylish and wear white gloves.
Chancellor Williams
Destruction of Black Civilization
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The Destruction of Black Civilization took Chancellor Williams sixteen years of research and field study to compile. The book, which was to serve as a reinterpretation of the history of the African race, was intended to be ""a general rebellion against the subtle message from even the most 'liberal' white authors (and their Negro disciples): 'You belong to a race of nobodies. You have no worthwhile history to point to with pride.'"" The book was written at a time when many black students, educators, and scholars were starting to piece together the connection between the way their history was taught and the way they were perceived by others and by themselves. They began to question assumptions made about their history and took it upon themselves to create a new body of historical research. The book is premised on the question: ""If the Blacks were among the very first builders of civilization and their land the birthplace of civilization, what has happened to them that has left them since then, at the bottom of world society, precisely what happened? The Caucasian answer is simple and well-known: The Blacks have always been at the bottom."" Williams instead contends that many elements—nature, imperialism, and stolen legacies— have aided in the destruction of the black civilization. The Destruction of Black Civilization is revelatory and revolutionary because it offers a new approach to the research, teaching, and study of African history by shifting the main focus from the history of Arabs and Europeans in Africa to the Africans themselves, offering instead ""a history of blacks that is a history of blacks. Because only from history can we learn what our strengths were and, especially, in what particular aspect we are weak and vulnerable. Our history can then become at once the foundation and guiding light for united efforts in serious[ly] planning what we should be about now."" It was part of the evolution of the black revolution that took place in the 1970s, as the focus shifted from politics to matters of the mind.
Gil Scott-Heron
So Far, So Good
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A collection of poems written by the progressive jazz artist, Gil Scott Heron. These works are very political in nature and comment on the current matters of interest during the period of the 1970s and 1980s. The artist shows himself to be a keen analytical observer of the society and its impact upon the people.
St. Clair Drake
Redemption of Africa and Black Religion
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This monograph explains the role of religion in the colonies of Africa and among the people of African descent in the United States.
Asa G. Hilliard
Infusion of African and African American Content in the School Curriculum
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Contains workable recommendations for changing the school curriculum to include more African and African-American content.
Amiri Baraka
Wise, Why's, Y's
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A poetic voyage in five parts that charts the ebbs and flows of the African-American movement.
Haki R. Madhubuti
Black Books Bulletin Volume 5/Number 3 Fall
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Rare Black Books Bulletin from 1977. In this issue: "Towards Black Science and Technology" --Carl Spight, "Marxist-Leninism and the Black Revolution" --Ronald Walters, "Two Truths Theory" -Vulindlela Wobogo. BBB Interviews: Dr. J. Fletcher Robinson.
Haki R. Madhubuti
Black Books Bulletin Words Work Volume 1/Number 2 1991
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Rare Black Books Bulletin Newspaper From 1991. In this Issue: Assata Shakur Speaks, Cuba 1991 Interviewed by Nicole Mitchell. Clarence Thomas: The Best White Man For The Job, What Leonard Jeffries really said!, Michael McGee: Armed and Ready in Milwaukee, Books Behind Bars: Censorship in Prisons.
Vivian Gordon
Kemet and Other Ancient African Civilizations
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Book about Kemet and Other ancient African Civilizations.
Haki R. Madhubuti
Don't Cry, Scream
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In this classic collection of poetry, the reader will find a bold poem for each crucial issue of Black life.
Sonia Sanchez
A Sound Investment
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A reprint of Sanchez' classic collection of children's stories.
Haki R. Madhubuti
Black Books Bulletin Words Work Volume 1/Number 4 1992
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Rare Black Books Bulletin Newspaper From 1992. In this Issue: Historical Essay By John H. Clark. Reviews on the latest Black books
Haki R. Madhubuti
Black Books Bulletin Words Work Volume 1/Number 1 1991
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Rare Black Books Bulletin Newspaper From 1991. In this Issue: Dr. Anderson Thompson on a new African World Order, Black books a growing industry?
Haki R. Madhubuti
Black Books Bulletin Volume 7/Number 3 1981
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Rare Black Books Bulletin From 1981. In this Issue: Land & Survival (Haki R. Madhubuti), Mobile Lynching's (Leonard Sykes), New Orleans/ Banana Republic (Kalamu ya Salaam).
Haki R. Madhubuti
Black Books Bulletin Volume 1/Number 3 1972
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Rare Black Books Bulletin from 1972. In this Issue: BBB Interviews Historian Lerone Bennett, "Frank Yerby, Golden Debunker" Darwin Turner, "What Good the Word Without the Wisdom? or 'English Ain't Relevant' " David Llorens. Reviews by Joyce Ladner and Sam Greenlee. Reviews of works of Chester Himes, Grier and Cobbs, Sam Cornish, Gwendolyn Brooks, and others.
Haki R. Madhubuti
Black Books Bulletin Volume 1/Fall 1971
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Rare Black Books Bulletin from 1971. The First Edition of Black Books Bulletin. In this Issue: BBB Interviews the Editor of BLACK WORLD, Hoyt W. Fuller, "Cultural Nationalism: The Black Novelist in America," Addison Gayle, "Blues, Soul, and Black Identity: The Forms of Things
George Kent
Blackness and the Adventure of Western Culture
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Hoyt W. Fuller
Journey to Africa
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A candid memoir of an African American's journey to a continent which bears the scars of centuries of oppression, this volume looks at Africa head-on, full of honesty and devoid of romanticism.
Haki R. Madhubuti
Black Books Bulletin Volume 8 Special Edition 1991
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Rare Black Books Bulletin from 1991. The Challenge Of the 21st Century. New Understandings: Gwendolyn Brooks, Frances Cress Welsing, Useni Eugene Perkins, Vivian Gordon, Chinua Achebe, Keorapetse Kgositsile, Woodie King, Jr. New Directions: Darwin Turner, Derrick Bell, Pearl Cleage, Kalamu ya Salaam, Safisha Madhubuti, Conrad Worrill, Molefi Kete Asante
Haki R. Madhubuti
Black Books Bulletin Words Work Volume 16/Number 1 & 2
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Rare Black Books Bulletin from 1993. Black Studies, African-Centered Studies, Afrocentricity: The Ongoing Debate: Vivian Gordon, Molefi Asante, Marcia Sutherland, Joyce Ann Joyce, Bakari Kitwana, Robert L. Perry. New Poetry: Amiri Baraka, Keorapetse Kgositsile, Doughtry "Doc" Long, Sterling Plumpp.
Sterling Plumpp
Black Rituals
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Sterling Plumpp contrasts the rituals of Africa with African American rituals that have emerged in the twentieth century.
Linda M. Thurston
Call to Action
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From the blue ribbon group of the American Friends Service Committee's 1990 National Commission on Crime and Justice, this report addresses the problems associated with incarceration.
Useni Eugene Perkins
Harvesting New Generations
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A comprehensive exposition on Black youth, this study provides a careful analysis of their problems--personal, societal and institutional--as well as potential solutions for the future.
Useni Eugene Perkins
Explosion of Chicago's Black Street Gangs-1900 to Present
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This book is the bible on the social pathology of street gangs in Chicago. It should be read by all professionals working with young adults, especially those involved in law enforcement.