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Gwendolyn Brooks
Blacks (ONE BOOK, ONE CHICAGO) Special Limited Edition
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This Special Limited Edition for “One Book, One Chicago” was funded by the Poetry Foundation and printed by Northwestern University Press
Gwendolyn Brooks
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A little boy reflects on the difference between being lonely and being alone
Gil Scott-Heron
So Far, So Good
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A collection of poems written by the progressive jazz artist, Gil Scott Heron. These works are very political in nature and comment on the current matters of interest during the period of the 1970s and 1980s. The artist shows himself to be a keen analytical observer of the society and its impact upon the people.
Gwendolyn Brooks
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‘Riot’ by Gwendolyn Brooks is a poem that illustrates the dissonance that exists between the privileged and those who are driven to desperation to riot.
Gwendolyn Brooks
Primer for Blacks
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Brooks talks to her Black sisters and writes a short statement about the need for Black self-awareness.